SAffice - your smart & safe office system under COVID-19

SAffice, 2021    View in GitHub
Webpage and System Design, Second-runner Up in CityHack2021
Credits to my team: Jerry Kwok, Angela Liu, Kessie Leung

SAffice is a smart office system, creating a safe workplace under COVID-19 with services including face mask, social distance detection, chatbot, face check-in and E-sign system, providing humanized technology.
As we are placement students from different companies, we discover several problems existed in the workplace under COVID-19 such as pandemic fatigue, employee safety, skills and technical, communication and management problems. We are inspired and hope to solve the above challenges. Hence, while the purpose of developing technology is to serve humankind, our design considers all the range of workers: from managers to staff; from IT experts to computer novices.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as the gradually reduced sense of consciousness and pandemic fatigue, millions of workers in Hong Kong have been forced to join the working-from-home(WFH) or AB team experiences. Therefore, through SAffice, you can have face ID check-in when you are WFH, avoiding sending daily email or form; you are tracked with our face mask and social distance detection so that all employees are secured, and it can remind and promote the avoidance of direct contact; you can know the latest virus news and intimate hygiene tips conveniently using our chatbot; managers can easily access to check-in information of staff; E-documents can be shared and signed under our E-signature functions to avoid direct contact and facilitate staff who are not proficient in computer skill!

Overall, we aim to develop a user-friendly web application with our thoughtful user interface design that can be integrated or merged with other facility management system in the smart city blue plan. While the purpose of developing science and technology is to serve humankind, our design considers all the range of workers, from managers to staff, from IT experts to people who cannot catch up with the skyrocketing technology.

What did I do in this project?

This project is the outcome and product of my team in CityHack 2021. A Hackathon held in February, 2021. My group "Greedy Algorithm" with four members was honor to win as the second-runner up. Hence, I am the team leader, who is responsible for the task management, front-end coding, as well as the group presentation representative.