Physical Games can be further divided into two parts: boardgames & group games!

Board Games

The boardgames-related data was collected from Board Game Geek around June of 2018. It contains the existing boardgames information. As we focus on the observation since 1900, the collected data is from 1903 to 2018.

Group Games

As there is no existing dataset related to group games, we create our own dataset (CSV) in order to build the interactive dashboard.

Board Games

In the dashboard created via tableau, we implement several parameters to control the data filtering. It is basically divided into four sections: boardgame name display and selection(top-left); corresponding images and display (bottom left); an overview on boardgames throughout years (top right) and selected boardgame information (bottom right).

These convey two types of messages:

The first type of information shows an overview of comparable elements represented by the line graph. Overall, board games receive relatively high feedback and comment throughout the years and this directly affects the continuous growth in the number of board games designed. While the average age of players remain relatively stable from 8 to 12, only in the year 1932, when no data is found.

Players tend to spend not more than 300 minutes when playing board games, despite the fact that people are willing to play longer from 1976 to 1985. To some extent, this may reflect the lifestyle of teenagers during that time have balanced entertainment and study habits.

Another piece of information in this dashboard is an interactive board game introduction. Users can choose the board game from the name list and understand the details of the selected game with a relevant image. The purpose is to store a user-friendly dashboard to let users understand different genres of board games including the mechanics and categories.

Group Games

We include 25 classic group games in Hong Kong collected from the recommendations by interviewing 37 friends and family members; and internet resources.

These convey two types of messages:

We include 25 classic group games in Hong Kong collected from the recommendations by interviewing 37 friends and family members; and internet resources. As the games are mainly popular among locals, an interesting observation can be made. Most of the games are differ in different countries.

For instance, the game “What's the time, Mr. Wolf” which origins from the United Kingdom, has a different approach in the game mechanics when compared to Hong Kong. Some group games such as hide and seek were developed from two different origins at the same time. This funny phenomenon states the creativity and probability of having the same idea in the same universe at the same time. hermore, our dashboard combines the players’ number and suggested venue size of playing the games. The chart (top) reflects a relatively low preparation time and prefers a larger number of players involved. While most group games require a big venue, this makes group games different from board games in which only a table is necessary. Lastly, most of the group games are hot before 2000, which reflects the fading of physical games with the advent of digital games. Hence, another possible reason for the decaying of group games may be the space in Hong Kong is gradually reducing. This directly affects the popularity of physical games.